What went wrong THIS time
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Connecticut is all verdant and stuff, and the sun's shining nicely despite a thunderstorm forecast. But can't a Connecticut girl get a ride to the damn airport? Well, mostly the problem is that I closed my checking account (leaving the country next week and all), and foolishly brought only $70 with me--and not $165--because I am a got-dang fool. AND, I believe states should have good public transportation systems!!

From the plane window you can see individual swimming pools in EVERY SINGLE BACKYARD here. Well, not every backyard, probably. I rode local buses a LOT yesterday trying to get to my hotel; once we entered the town where my friend's wedding was, the boisterous kids in the back kept marveling aloud at how people left their convertible roofs down in the parking lot.

Soon afterward, the bus drivers swerved into a Super Stop & Shop parking lot and threatened to throw the kids off if they didn't stop singing. I kind of liked the kids, but they were pretty loud, and kept singing MARIO's version of "Just a Friend" and not the original Biz Markie version. This irritated me more than it should have, but still, kids- don't show ya age like that!

Don't give me that!
Don't even give me that!

...so, gotta do more searching for a way home, to be done before the Connecticut sun rises tomorrow. At least the wedding was really beautiful, too!

2007-07-28 5:13 p.m.
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