What went wrong THIS time
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It should be known that:

-tomorrow I am officially done with my junior year of hah skoo.

-I always hate the end of the year so much, because I get sentimental and silly. Academically, I could care less.

-..speaking of which, I am pretty certain that I didn't study for any of my exams this year.

-today I played at graduation because of my shameful ties with a thing called Band.

-my band director is a thing called an Annoying Asshole, at least, a lot of the time.

-I will not have to see him until August 12th, which is still too soon, but rah rah summer.

-I have been meaning to put up a new diary layout for

Summer! A! K! A!

but I realize, a day later, that everything I create leaves a dull ache in the pit of my stomach. Soon soon!

-the quality of my yearbook signings has gone way, way low this year. Every thing I write is like mini-Kobebeef, just in my own handwriting and sometimes tagging "Have a great summer and etc.!" at the end. I shudder, and feel sorry for the people whose books I have tainted. Although sometimes I draw funny pictures, and there's the occasional "slizzawesome" (heh) quip.

-I also have this weird feeling of apathy toward people signing my own book. I kind of want some people to do it, but I rarely even bother. Ugh, slacking.

-for the second year in a row, however, I do have a penis in my yearbook. Jessi is worthy of your mindless worship and praise, especially since she spelled "testicle" with a "u-l" (unintentionally).

-when I got back from graduation (after only getting to congratulate *one* senior, although she was deserving), I ran to my band locker to get my combination lock before Signor Ass Band Director cut off the locks. It is a special lock because I've had it since the seventh grade in Canada, and I liked the combination number. Then, while I was waiting outside, I decided to occupy myself by throwing it up into the air as far as I could. On the first try, meant to be caught, it sailed smoothly up onto the entrance top, through the rafters and barely missing the huge lights.


2002-06-13 11:10 p.m.
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