What went wrong THIS time
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Since the last entry I have
- finished all exams/papers, and not too badly
- read up way too much on serial killers and notorious murders from crimelibrary.com -- in fact I did this for several nights straight in between hanging out, which means I didn't pack a single thing before my parents came to pick me up
- been to the beach again, for a couple of nights
- felt awkward. outward and inward. backward. slackward.
- seen my father's health deteriorate moreso (loss of control of his right hand)
- broken my vow to fully attempt vegetarianism.

EMBARRASSING! Even though during the school year I basically was one, since I couldn't really afford time or effort to buy groceries or make it to a dining hall, so I ended up eating not much other than what was already in my room (which didn't include meat).

My boyfriend decided to go cold turkey (ha ha) but not really, because he's going to eat fish; I wouldn't have a problem with it except his reasoning seems pretty hypocritical. Basically he says that ever since he got a hamster, he feels really bad about eating li'l animals--but only cute furry ones, obviously, because he says he doesn't have an ethical problem with catching/skinning/cooking/eating fish.

Meanwhile, though, I attempted to go cold turkey but am hopelessly crippled by lack of motivation to leave my family's house (until Saturday, when I move back to college to take a summer course). Though my family eats really unhealthily, you'd think I could find some meatless things to tide me over through hours of watching TV (which I plan to do until leaving on Saturday). But... it's harder than I thought.

Basically I don't want my family to laugh me in the face again, as they did when I declared I wanted to be a vegetarian for animals' rights in fourth grade. I hated most vegetables at the time, save chickpeas and raw carrots, so my parents, brothers, aunt and late grandfather all guffawed at this. Little do they realize that I actually made it for more than a week as a vegetarian, before my mother's concern over my nutrition led to my forced return to meat.

Vegetables that are still gross to me, at age 21.35
MUSHROOMS. (Except this kind, when used in spaghetti.) Testimonial:
"Mushrooms feel like brains"
--Josh, a vegetarian

"Get that shit [cauliflower] away from me"

"Squishy and unnecessary"

"I've had the bloomin' onion at Outback, and that was borderline acceptable. Otherwise, I appreciate the flavor but do not need the presence of onion itself. Also, Outback gives you a huge ranch dip, which shouldn't be necessary to justify a vegetable's existence."

PROBABLY OTHERS. But I am still more open-minded now than I was at age 10.

Well, we'll see how this goes.

2006-05-23 6:11 p.m.
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