What went wrong THIS time
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I, like many other people who tend to be lazy and think of 'what could have been', often daydream about running into people I currently know later in life. When I say "people" I actually just mean "attractive males." For some reason the setting of ALL of these daydreams take place in a coffee shop, which doesn't make logical sense for a couple of reasons:

1. I don't much care for coffee unless it's bastardized, iced, and filled with brownie chunks. Other than that, I order hot chocolate at a coffee shop. Other than that, I don't go to coffee shops.

2. Due to the nature of the coffee shop business, most people are there to get their fix o' joe and then leave; therefore, most people are irritable or distracted whilst waiting in line for their coffee; therefore, I (being a subpar conversationalist myself) probably would not 'chat up' someone standing next to me.

Furthermore, all of my daydreams are virtually the same, just with different fellows each time. They don't even have a middle or an end, I just imagine that I, twentysomething version of Mika, happen to run into a dashing twentysomething (or thirtysomething, depending) version of a nice guy that I know now while waiting for coffee, and that the guy will somehow be really nice and charming.

... which, in itself, doesn't make sense either. Statistically and sometimes foreseeably, there's a fair chance that at least a couple of my suitorzz will harbor the beginning of a beer gut or smokers' lines or something, which never show up in my vague little imaginings.

But such is the nature of daydreams, I guess. Don't bother me, I'm lucid!

.... why am I posting this now when I actually have to DO a lot of stuff tomorrow today?

2003-04-12 1:02 a.m.
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