What went wrong THIS time
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Mah! Well as usual, anything that is good in the world is not so much attributed to Madonna, but rather to ABBA! I guess.

Nevertheless, here's my list of Madonna songs:

- This Used To Be My Playground
- Take A Bow (we had to watch and analyze the music video on the first day of my Spanish cinema class in college; for what reason, I do not know--I can only guess it's because the video revolves around a matador storyline??)
- Frozen, hahaha
- Nothing Really Matters (I only remembered this one after finding the scary video online again)
- Hung Up (?) I guess?

the rest are of less to little to no consequence! Well, I probably absorbed Like A Virgin, Material Girl while watching MTV on weekday mornings, waiting for afternoon kindergarten class to begin. but these are the ones off the top of my head I really enjoyed as they were released, or that I just couldn't help but laugh along with.

there's your Christmas present. enjoy!

2007-12-24 6:35 a.m.
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