What went wrong THIS time
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I can work out an excuse for not doing anything (history homework, packing, showering, getting my sh!t together) until a ridiculously late/early hour for once!

We, by which I mean me and my band, by which I mean my school band and not my rockin' and rollin' band, by which I mean the nonexistent one, will be traveling by bus to a certain city that is plagued by violent gusts of air [oh my, I go out of my way just to sound freakin' ridiculous].

If I do my history homework (ehh, probably an hour or so), take a shower (30 minutes at least, and I will probably shave some body hair for the first time since last spring [I ended up wearing long pants all last summer]), pack for this four-day trip (it should take maybe 30 minutes, but will take 2x that amount because I will be tired and loopy and hemmy-and-hawwy), do my OTHER history homework (looking up my stock in the NYSE and recording the number so I don't forget like last time), pet my dog (1-2 minutes), change into my pajamas (10 minutes to find some semi-clean stuff, 10 minutes to work up the energy to put said stuff on), crawl into bed without distracting myself with a book (2 minutes), see if I can muster up a prayer that doesn't consist of the same-old-same-old and is genuine (42753190384 minutes, and I really should try, but I will fall asleep in the process), then .. well, I'll probably doze off around three in the morning or later, and I'll get up at 6 in the morning [or later] for school. I'll be DEAD during school, but I usually am anyway (more or less), and then when it comes time to get on the bus, I will be excited and ALIVE. And then, after a while, I will sleep a most peaceful sleep on the bus ride. I can fall asleep on the bus, usually, but I'm always awakened by

a) people screaming

b) people taking flash photos in the dark (but I can't complain, because I do that too)

c) people staring at me while I sleep and then laughing when I wake up

d) my head leaning against the bus window, and then the bus bumps, making my head bump (happens a lot)

e) miscellanea

.. so a placid sleep session would be really great. If I am tired enough, I can sleep for twenty-three hours straight (yup), possibly more. Maybe I can sleep the whole bus ride (as long as they don't show good movies - I will wake up for 'Wayne's World' [1&2], 'The Wedding Singer' [yes], 'Dick' ["You smell like cabbage!"], 'Forrest Gump' [it always makes me teary and embarrassed, but it's good], and maybe something else) and just stay up for the entire trip-trip.

"Trip-trip" .. heh.

Anyway, that should be enough run-on sentences to last me at least four days' worth of der Diaryland.

I will take pictures, and who knows if they will come out, but I will try to have a splendid old time.

2002-04-16 11:53 p.m.
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