What went wrong THIS time
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This summer I really, really want to go to an amusement park with friends. Really, any season I want to go to an amusement park with friends. It's years overdue. I would go to Busch Gardens, Kings Dominion, Six Flags, even motherfucking Hershey Park. Anywhere with some rides and attractions, and people to share off-brand Dippin Dots with.

I guess I just don't have friends... or friends who like amusement parks. (Sure, that's it . . . )

This is part of the reason why Mattie & I have broken up. (There's the dooze.) 3.5 years of long-distance relationship, plus an at least 0.5 year courtship, plus platonic friendship letters, LJ comments, MySpace messages, and IRL sandwiches / movie nights shared together way back when (kobebeef year 2006.)

Uh, to clarify: the reason was not my desire to ride rollercoasters, but rather, other things. Among them is that I need more friends around me here, as he already has enough around him there. This linked up to other issues, but ... DiaryLand, we'll talk l8r.

2013-06-21 3:22 a.m.
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