What went wrong THIS time
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"Soo-ry," as the exaggerated Canadian accent would say.

Apollo-gees in advance.
I think it's funny that in all my persuing teen girl magazines during my pre- and early teen years, I don't remember EVER reading about how dating a guy with stubble can be a drag on one's face. Didn't ever realize how potent an exfoliant the stuff is, either--primarily in the chin and tip of nose area. Why didn't anyone ask beauty q&as about THAT?

Is it that the magazines assumed that its readers wouldn't have to deal with guys with facial hair?

Is it that, we two are the first humans who have ever attempted to make out, and all those other people's experiences I'd read/heard/seen about were vicious, filthy lies, all of them?

Basically, I am dedicating this entry to (1) eating microwaved sweet potatoes with wonderful guys and (2) skin flakes. Yum, and then gross. But then I don't even mind. (He said he'd shave, anyway. Whatever.)

2005-03-30 2:21 a.m.
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