What went wrong THIS time
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I wonder if living and being by myself so much here is causing or exacerbating this lazy anxiety? If I lived among good buds or had a "steady" again, like those halcyon College Days, would I still prefer making (belated) New Years cards, watching movies, and eating sweets in a one-person blanket fort? At least I'll see my aunt and uncle tomorrow, but shouldn't I be fully engaging in these twentysomething activities that I usually enjoy and often don't have a chance to do?

I might have to cut off net access to spying on other people's lives--if they want to tell me about it, that's fine, because I'm definitely curious and want to know how they doin'. otherwise, I gotta LIVE MY OWN or just help those who really need assistance with theirs.

still haven't decided whether to leave the apartment or not. happy new year!

2008-12-31 5:19 p.m.
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