What went wrong THIS time
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I had a very surreal dream this afternoon in which I attended a dress rehearsal for Saturday Night Live and saw this guy from my high school and we connected over our love for comedy, and then I saw his sister, and then I saw my older brother, and then my friend turned out to be the host of the show, and then we all dug a huge hole in my backyard and hung out there.

I just want to record it so that I can re-read it a million years later and say, "Huh!" to myself. Also, this was one of the few dreams I've had that was obviously influenced by my actions and experiences directly prior to sleeping, because I had been reading SNL reviews online and I had just seen this guy from my high school when I ate dinner with my family on Saturday. I actually have seen him several times waiting tables there, but this last time I finally waved to him instead of avoiding his glance and such. BORINGbutinterestingtome

2004-03-15 10:23 p.m.
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