What went wrong THIS time
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It would be nice if I could chalk up all my nonsense ramblings to getting mad drunk. Unfortunately ...

[unrelated] My calves really ache. And I still need to do my questions for "Winter Dreams," which is silly because I actually like reading that long/short story. But oh well.

I just remembered that I was to have a book for this quarter's reading project last Friday, and I still do not have one. Arrrrr, me mateys. Arr. If I were a pirate I could probably go through this quarter without having to read a book and do some COMPLETELY INANE project on it, what with my threatening the teacher with my hook-hand or something. And if I didn't have a hook-hand, I'd just creep her out with my glass eye and bad teeth and jaunty striped shirts.

2002-05-05 11:40 p.m.
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