What went wrong THIS time
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w-h-i-r-l-w-i-n-d-s-! !! !

Sorry. Even though I think I tend to start out really elliptical, I always move closer to clarity/qualifiers/explanations in writing, and then I get really nonsensical again. (Or is it nonsensible? unsensible? does it even matter? no?)

He 'n me finally sat underneath a tree, after walking for a long time and finally finding a patch of grass that was at least fifteen feet away from tombstones. And I don't mean to set up pedestals or anything, but it turns out (as I checked my kitchen calendar once I got home) we had kissed in Arlington Cemetery on Armed Forces Day, even.

Long, long, long. I complain about w.burg but I'd like to get back, soon, now, good.

2005-05-23 1:57 a.m.
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